Sewing Basket

One birthday, when I was quite young, my mom surprised me with a sewing basket- complete with thread, pins and needles, scissors, and a pincushion that looked like a tomato. It felt as if heaven had opened and all of a sudden, I was considered a responsible citizen of the world.

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Nancy Remkus
Roller Skates

Do you remember the clip-on roller skates that fastened to the bottom of your shoes and tightened with a key? We skated about our musty old cinderblock basement with the ease of master skaters, the old metal wheels scraping along the concrete, catching one of the lally-columns in the crook of our elbows and spinning like Dorothy Hamill on the ice.

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Nancy Remkus
Hold the Phone!

Do you remember the long, winding cords that attached us to our rotary house phones-how tangled and stretched they became? If you had wanted any privacy for your call you might go into the cellarway or somewhere you could shut the door on the cord.

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Nancy Remkus
What Takes Your Breath Away?

Early this morning, I went out for a walk. The day was dimly lit, cirrus clouds just barely visible, frost covered leaf piles. This is a surreptitious time of the day-homes dark, animals had not yet taken cover-the winter morning chorus sparse yet soulful.

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Nancy Remkus