Just a Measure of Time

It may have been a beautiful thing if time-and life itself was left to be a bit more of a mystery and we woke up to the miracle of a new day with wonder and awe - to a feeling of what’s next?

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Nancy Remkus
The Shopping Trip

As a young teenager I vividly remember going to Smith Haven Mall with my mom and probably at least half of my siblings -it was a long trip, literally and figuratively

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Nancy Remkus

I have come to sense the space that I am taking up on this planet and what I’d like it to stand for or represent. I believe we each have some purpose to help, to heal, to inspire.

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Nancy Remkus
The Journey

Old Whalers’ has stood as a beacon to Sag Harbor and we hope to continue to let those lights shine. It takes community to build community.

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Nancy Remkus