The Bounty of the Earth-We're Rich

We are surrounded by the bounty of the earth-farms stands with an abundance of shapes and colors, tastes and textures. Fruits, berries, vegetables, tubers, grains, herbs, we are all rich. Farm stands appear like an oasis in winter’s desert. We wait for them to open and signal the opulence of the land. What a miracle that each small seed develops into something so wonderful. Where does the red of a pepper hide-awaiting to evolve? The deep purple of an eggplant, the yellow variations of an ear of corn? Could there be anything as splendid as watching a pumpkin grow?

Gratitude to the farmer who cares for the land, and brings us so much goodness. Surely not an easy life but one so close to the earth-hands sifting the soil, hearts watching things grow. Potato fields that stretch to the ocean dunes, flowers that smile at the heavens. What a marvel that the silent brown earth incubates so much life. And each stretch of the growing season brings something new to the table. 

We look forward to the arrival of local sweet corn as if it were a holiday we had been waiting for all year. Our taste buds recall the splendor of local tomatoes throughout the dark of winter. Though fleeting we can set our clocks to the return of this bounty each year. And those that grow their own gardens witness daily this miracle of new life. Dirt under our fingernails we become part of the ever spinning, rich and abundant earth.

Growing up, my father planted everything he could on our acre of land. There was a vegetable garden, a corn patch and an asparagus patch. We had all sorts of fruit trees, almond trees, and grape vines. I wonder now how many kids today can pick and eat and apple from their own apple tree? My grandmother would stew peaches that dropped from our peach trees and whatever couldn’t be eaten was carefully canned and stored in the basement. We were so lucky to live off of the land and the sea. Pulling up carrots and radishes from the earth was like uncovering a buried treasure.  

How amazing is this cycle of life, how the earth provides all that we need. With gratitude we look upon the wealth on our dinner plates and remember to care for the beautiful earth that provides this bounty for us.

Nancy RemkusComment