The End of Television as we know it!

Ok, who now is the dinosaur in the room? I think it may be cable and network TV. Once we unloaded our VHS cassettes and our DVD’s, and began to stream an endless array of commercial free movies, documentaries, series, and miniseries -cable and network TV has taken on the likings of a brachiosaurus.

I believe that in the not too distant future network and cable TV may become obsolete-many folks want to watch what they want to watch exactly when they want to watch it- without the burden of endless commercials. But to me it seems a bit awkward. I’m not prepared to give up my cable, my landline or my trips to the grocery store. They seem to be part of the foundation of our lives.

I must admit there are still times that I like to watch shows in real time: World News Tonight, Jeopardy, House Hunters- it seems to be a part of the rhythm of our lives. If my husband should ask me what time I’d be home, I would reply, “sometime between David Muir and Ken Jennings.” Their appearance is something that we can set our clocks to. But the newer generations might not consider sitting through a commercial let alone seemingly endless commercials; nonstop pharmaceutical ads that drag us through every known disease and side effect.

I remember a friend who worked in advertising saying that they had spent hours in the boardroom considering whether the protagonist in the commercial should wear a short sleeved or a long-sleeved shirt? I can no longer watch commercials without considering the outfits that had to be squabbled over.

I am not sure who is at work making these commercials that no one wants to see? Perhaps watching network or cable TV would be more enjoyable if commercials were more appealing. If the future of cable and network television lies in the balance, perhaps they could appeal to the advertising agencies to make commercials more gratifying for all of us.

I have come up with a plan-that each commercial should meet one of these three criteria- to be either entertaining, inspirational or illuminating. Let’s spend that normally irritating time being inspired-watching something breathtaking-hearing something that warms the heart and inspires us or teaches us something new. Let’s listen to hints of classical music, be swept off our feet gazing at magnificent pieces of art or scenes in nature, or laugh at something really funny. Surely, there are ways to advertise products by appealing to people’s intellect and aesthetic.

We all know a good commercial when we see it-they’re the ones that we actually enjoy watching. Some of those introduced during the Superbowl might apply; but otherwise, it has become a time to pop the popcorn, use the restroom or check on the pot roast. I am astonished that advertising agencies haven’t caught up with that truth yet!

Did you happen to see the Amazon commercial this winter with the three elderly women reliving their youth sledding down a snowy hill together-beautiful music-it was inspirational, entertaining and creative. It brought tears to my eyes and reminded me of sledding with my best friend. It made me contemplate the aging process and inspired me to live more fully. Those are the commercials that you run back into the room to watch.

Or perhaps the Subaru commercial, “A Beautiful Silence” with the father and son driving through the wilderness communicating exclusively in American Sign Language. They arrive at a huge waterfall and in sign language the son asks the father, ‘Can you feel that?’ -not see, but…. can you ‘feel’ that? So beautiful and powerful. That is the kind of commercial I am talking about- it makes us feel something inside- it deepens our understanding of others and life itself!

I don’t believe that a commercial should air if it does not meet one of those criteria. Entertaining. Inspiring. Illuminating. Commercials should appeal to the intelligence of living breathing human beings. Seriously, do they really think anyone in the world believes this endless charade of make believe?  It’s time to change the tide-let’s bring honesty and creativity to TV commercials before it’s too late!

 A song we used to sing at Morning Program many years ago-and now TV time has been replaced by ‘too much screen time’ I imagine. Maybe some of you can remember singing that song way back when.