My Best Friend

I’ve always had a bit of an adversity to the word ‘best’-best cup of coffee, best basketball team, best day ever. But I must say, I was blest to grow up with a ‘best’ friend since I was five.

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Nancy Remkus
The Clean-Plate Club

Now the commander of the club, my father, had full say over the rules and regulations of the ‘clean-plate club’-you had to eat everything on your plate no matter what-head cheese, tripe, borscht-the only one that had any power over the commander was my mother.

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Nancy Remkus
Sag Harbor-Remembering to Smile Again

For the past year and a half our smiles were often hidden behind our masks. We had to learn how to smile with our eyes-and nod a little I guess, to let people know that we saw them, acknowledged them, that we were friend not foe.

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Nancy Remkus