Simply Peace

’ But I could just picture the world as one beautiful place to roam and be a part of-no lines, no borders, no conflict- everyone just helping each other- one big happy earth family. Paradise.

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Nancy Remkus

There are those who are here to protect their investment-and there are those who are here to protect their home.

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Nancy Remkus
Sewing Basket

One birthday, when I was quite young, my mom surprised me with a sewing basket- complete with thread, pins and needles, scissors, and a pincushion that looked like a tomato. It felt as if heaven had opened and all of a sudden, I was considered a responsible citizen of the world.

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Nancy Remkus
Roller Skates

Do you remember the clip-on roller skates that fastened to the bottom of your shoes and tightened with a key? We skated about our musty old cinderblock basement with the ease of master skaters, the old metal wheels scraping along the concrete, catching one of the lally-columns in the crook of our elbows and spinning like Dorothy Hamill on the ice.

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Nancy Remkus