Making Connections

It reminds them that they are connected to the earth beneath their feet, the beauty of the world around them, and the hopefulness that there very well may be something wonderful, huge and loving standing by them throughout their lives.

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Nancy Remkus
A Good Time to Be a Vocal Local

The inherent benefit of being a ‘local’ is a quiet sense of connection-that this corner of the world is part of you, and you are part of it. No matter who arrives, who comes and goes, who settles and digs their heels in… you know, and are part of the history, the herstory, the evolution of this tiny part of the world.

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Nancy Remkus
What Was So Good About The Good Old Days?

Life is certain to change-it is the one thing we can count on. But there seem to be values and ideals being lost right before our eyes. We keep riding this roller coaster of life without being able to pull the emergency cord-to slow it down-to retreat into the comfortable, kind, reverent world we grew up in.

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Nancy Remkus
Say Yes More Often!

When my daughter was born, a dear friend gave me a framed poster of inspirational parental advice. It began with, “Say yes more often.” Twenty-six years later that line continues to echo in my heart.

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Nancy Remkus
The Most Precious Gift of All

During a brief archeological dig in my attic I uncovered a box of words tucked into the eaves. Cards and letters tied with ribbons - tattered corners, ruffled edges. How carefully safeguarded they were in the wooden box that has protected so many memories - fragments of days and years and even lifetimes that have passed.

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Nancy Remkus
For the Love of Teaching

I was a teacher for more than thirty years-a most noble profession. Teaching involves creating an ever-expanding family of kids and parents and grandparents-people you will never forget, people that you come to love.

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Nancy Remkus